
New York Skyline

Originally uploaded by dalynbrett

At night via promenade. On a walk with bug.



something beautiful

within and underneath the music. two of my favorites ...


mermaid parade

Originally uploaded by dalynbrett

and sebas, both are awesome.



more to come. i promise.



there is a site where you can easily pull all the complaints to the FCC by a particulare show.

here are the Sex and the City complaints. Amazing (and funny, to someone who appreciates and is not scared of sex).



because i love it ...

via gothamist



brooklyn flea

i know where i will be next weekend:

brooklyn flea


music, orgasmic

this might change our life, yours and mine ...



New Music (at least to me) Weds v2

via Gothamist ...
MUSIC: It's still a little cold for the beach, but it's always the right season for Beach House! The duo take the Bowery stage tonight along with Papercuts, and tickets are still on sale. Listen:

Maste of None - Beach House

and so begins the ease into summer.

New Music Wednesday ....

Grafton Primary, australian indie/electronica outfit. a little eighties new order-esque, but with a psychedelic undertone. think pink floyd doing the smiths. at least thats what i was thinking.

myspace them here



another acronym to make your neighborhood hip - i am thinking we need to do an acronym map:

thank you craigslist

LIMBO- b'tween Boreum Hill & the Slope


so cute

bug bw 6
Originally uploaded by dalynbrett

i couldn't resist

fierce bug

fierce bug, originally uploaded by dalynbrett.


peter and bug

peter with bug 2, originally uploaded by dalynbrett.

she is a growing machine. her pashmina does not fit anymore. but she did look cute in it. for two days at least.

sessions by a. king

great podcast from an old friend.


here is proof

here they come. , originally uploaded by luluinnyc.

there goes the neighborhood.

my hood

is becoming the east village - or union square. don't worry there is also a new acronym - BOCOCA (boerum Hill, cobble hill, carroll gardens).

via curbed:
Ah, Atlantic Avenue. Today, the Post's Max Gross weighs in with an ode to Atlantic Ave. gentrification that hits all the highlights: the eventual coming of Trader Joe's, the new Urban Outfitters, The Smith luxe condos and a whole bunch of shops and restaurants that have replaced some traditional Middle Eastern businesses and more recent funky antique and used furniture shops.
continue ...



from my old space

old post from constantly cruising, thought it appropriate to add ...

january 6th::song of the day::a man like me: beulah
new years and the other winter holidays, came and went. uneventful at most, distracting at best. i am back in the drudgery of work. meghan and her boyfriend drove up last weekend, it was brilliant. alexis, one of my oldest friends, and one of my dearest, is in town for the weekend. friends float in and out of your life. but i have a few, mostly female, that have been a steady presence for years. jennifer, jenessa, shannon and lex, i love you.

i fell asleep a few nights ago, and woke up with the address of the chelsea std clinic neatly places on the corner of my bed. it probably fell out of my bag, or slipped out of one of my pockets, but it was there, staring at me, like some evil omen. its presence sent chills down my neck. i immediately decided to get tested. this was two days before the transit strike, and with the mess of that, trying to get to work, leaving for the holidays and friends coming into town, i had been neglecting the clinic. this week i decided that i could not wait any longer.

this morning it was raining, cold, and bitter outside. i woke up at 6:30 (after staying out late with lex), and showered. walking to the subway, my heart almost beat itself out of my chest. i was hot, then cold, then nervous, distracted, and extremely alone.

when i finally made it up to 28th and 9th there was a line 20 people deep outside of the door.

i found my place, slipped on my headphones, and tried not to make eye contact with the people around me. afraid they might know i am a fag, a slut, someone who might be positive, the whole time knowing they are thinking the same about me.

when i finally made my way into the bleak clinic, the walls were white, the staff unfriendly, the atmosphere dirty. there was a homeless couple in front of me digging through their huge bags of belongings, the scars on their arms so deep, some fresh, some new. fresh blood seeped through the sleeves of their shirts.

i sat silent.

trying to focus on my music, my book, something. my legs bounced, my heart raced.

the following three hours were much of the same, and when i finally did get my results, i laughed hysterically, relieved to know what i had to do and ready to move forward with my life. i was prepared for whatever came my way.

this test, has become such a standard of life for people who are sexually active (or at least it should be).

sex is scary. sex is bad. sex is wrong. sex is beautiful, and yet we have to fear it in our society.

sex makes you sick.

sex makes you pregnant.

sex kills.

sex kills.

i am negative. a new lease on life.

song of the day::a man like me: beulah



awesome site to track trends online.

light graffiti

G.R.L. @ M.o.M.A. from fi5e on Vimeo.